Glimmers in the Mucky Muck

I stole that line for the title. I’m going to start by giving credit where credit is due. Jordan M - that’s all you, and you might not even remember that you said it! I have had such a crappy few weeks… so much stuff is going on. Y’all, big (bad, bad) stuff. But, that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to help us remember that even on those real s*** days, you can still survive. That might be all you do, surviving, but you can reach into the depths of your warrior goddess self and keep going. I know it seems so freakin’ impossible, so beyond basic belief some days, but it is doable and you are in total control of keeping on with the keeping on. Get fired? You’ll figure it out. Get dumped? You’ll recover. Embarrass yourself? You’ll move on. Get in a fight with a loved one or family member? We all do. Get lied to & betrayed by your soul mate? Plot their death and move on (I’m kidding!!!). It sucks, hard, but it isn’t the end of you. It really, really isn’t. It might be the end of the “us” but it isn’t the end of you.

All of that sounds so harsh and so straightforward - I am an Aquarius, so… - but none of it’s wrong and you know that in your heart. It really will be ok. It’ll suck, it’ll be hard, you may empty an ocean’s worth of tears in two days, but you will make it. How? Here are some ways you can find glimmers in the mucky muck, as Jordan so eloquently put it for me when I was eyeball deep in the mucky muck….

  • Remember who the hell you are. You are a warrior. There isn’t a woman on this planet who isn’t made strong as iron and tough as nails. We’re all in different stages of finding our strength, but rest assured that this hard thing you’re going through will be the catalyst to make you even stronger. And do you know what that looks like? You stay soft. The hard stuff can make you hard, but you are stronger than that and you are worth more than that. You will stay soft and grow even stronger (that’s another post for another day).

  • Think about all of the growing you’re doing! This time isn’t wasted. In fact, this is rich, rich soil for you to grow! You are leveling up, reaching higher, doing more. Don’t waste your time spinning your wheels and repeating old patterns of destruction… Be really honest with yourself about your own role in whatever bad thing is going on, and learn from it, lady! Face yourself, face the ugly, and change. You can’t change the other person & you sure can’t change the situation, but you can change you. So blossom, bloom, reach up to that sun and level up.

  • You aren’t alone. It may feel like it, and it might really suck to hear this, but you aren’t the first person on earth to experience what you’re going through right now. This isn’t the first time this thing has happened to someone. You are normal and this situation is not unique. Maybe rare, but not unique. Find others to talk to, search for online content about how to wade through it, and use these gems to help you get through.

  • All that glimmers…. Write out a list of beautiful things in your life. Think of everything you can. Even something simple like “I had 17 Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast today” - cool. You can put down some sugar and you had the money to afford it, or at least charge it. What else can you write down? You have a warm bed, hot shower, cute toes, rolls for days cause you know how to eat like a goddess, one family member that still likes you, etc. Think of whatever you can, and even reframe the negative into a positive (I’m fat = I have a good appetite and can eat grown men under the table (of which you should be proud my friend!)). Find your glimmers in the mucky muck and use them to remind you that all will be ok as you go through this ugly time.

My love, you are wonderful & beautiful & kind. You’ve got this and you will make it out even stronger on the other side! Keep up the good work.


Soft As Nails


How to Control Everything in One Easy Step