Significant Self-Care
Self-care has become a big buzzword lately – we all love showing off our self-care game. We feel like we’re really good at self-care. From pedicures to afternoon naps, we are able to give ourselves credit and say we’ve done what we need to do to put ourselves first and take care of ourselves. But have you ever done the self-care thing and still felt tired, exhausted, and empty? Do you feel like it’s self-care, but shallow self-care? Is a pedicure *really* taking good care of yourself or is it just routine bodily maintenance? Truth be told, the answer is both. Sure, sometimes doing something like getting your hair cut, going for a pedicure, or investing in a nice afternoon nap is exactly what you needed for your own care that day. But is it enough long term? One thing we don’t talk about enough is true and deep self-care. I’m talking about the things that shake us up a bit, fill our cup to the brim, and really nourish our souls. What things count as deep, nourishing self-care? How about saying no. You know what I’m talking about. In fact, I bet you read that and thought “ouch, there are times I should say no and I was too afraid to”. Maybe it’s no to yet another commitment, no to hanging out when you need rest, no to that event that drains your energy just a little bit too much. What about self-care that says yes? Yes to taking a day off. Yes to a free day to do absolutely no chores and errands. Yes to knowing that your worth isn’t wrapped up in your productivity. Yes to a vacation that you so desperately need. Yes to alone time to spend with just you, doing the things you want to do. What about self-care that spends time and money on those things you usually talk yourself out of? Investing money into doing something you’ve dreamed doing or going somewhere you’ve dreamed of going? Investing time and money into the activities that light you up and get you excited, but sometimes feel just too frivolous? Investing in yourself instead of everyone else all the time? It’s easy to write this kind of self-care off as too much. It asks too much of you, but what if we reframe the situation? What is the cost of you not doing proper deep and nourishing self-care? The cost in our daily lives is that others suffer, and we suffer. We are tired, irritable, drained, robotic, and feeling like life is on autopilot instead of a life worth living. We act out in crazy ways with quarter/mid/late life crisis and end up buying a red motorcycle because it makes us feel alive. True and nourishing self-care isn’t about the sacrifice of time, money, energy, and investment – it’s all about taking what actually matters and moving it to the forefront of our priorities – and not feeling bad about it, because we know it’s a true investment in us and those around us.
Consider this your official call to action for self-care! There is no time like the present to invest in you. In this season of giving, give to yourself too my love.