Living Simply

It seems to be such a trendy thing these days to try and live your life ‘simply’. Minimalism is popular and people are watching Marie Kondo to simplify their lives. I’m all for this, but I think we need to look at it a little differently. Starting with getting rid of stuff is a great place to begin - Lord knows Americans have too much as it is (there are new storage facilities popping up all around me…. people are paying big bucks for a box to hold their boxes of stuff they clearly don’t need/use on the regular). But once we get rid of the physical stuff, we can’t stop. How about emotional baggage? Emotional damage and ties that we have to people and our past can weigh us down just as much, if not more, than our physical belongings. Releasing those chains and breaking those holds can free us immeasurably. How about generational curses? Things that are being passed down in our families - addictions, negative behavior patterns, family secrets - all of these can not only weigh down a person, but an entire family unit and generation. Luckily, we all hold the power to stop those generational curses from continuing, and we can decide to stop them at any time. How about the hardest one of all…. people? We all know we have people in our lives that we don’t need to be around any more. Toxic, unhealthy, draining people. You may not want to admit it, but you know who they are. Every time you are around them, you walk away feeling worse. You’re worried they’re going to tell your secrets or talk about you behind their back. Yep, it’s time to Marie Kondo them right on out of your life. Simplify your life, but more than just your stuff. Take the time to find out what serves you best, serves your growth, your family, and your soul. Focus on those things and don’t worry about the rest.


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