Remaining Aligned

Do you ever just feel like you’re doing exactly what you should be doing? And I’m not talking about your job necessarily…. I mean your life. From the moment you wake up, to even the menial tasks you do throughout the day, you just feel connected, purposeful… aligned. I go through waves of feeling like I’m right on track with what I’m meant to be doing, and then I pendulum swing the other direction and feel off course again. I’ve noticed some trends for each end of the spectrum.

When I’m feeling aligned & where I’m meant to be, I feel energized, I feel creative, I feel like a well spring of love & life and want to share that with everyone around me. I notice signs all throughout my day (I tend to see hawks/eagles when I’m aligned). I feel trends of amazing things happen around me - like just now it started raining out of nowhere… there’s no forecast for rain and I love the rain, and as I sit here typing this, the heavens just opened & life-giving water is pouring down from the sky.

However, when I’m feeling off balance, out of sorts, and unaligned, I’ve noticed patterns in that as well. I tend to get really grumpy (kinda like I am when I’m hangry lol, nothing sits well with me and there’s no one thing I’m mad at, I’m just irritable). I’ve noticed that my thoughts tend to stay negative & I go down unhealthy thought patterns and allow myself to think & assume the worst, even when I know better. I feel distant & unconnected to my family, friends, and even nature.

I have found that a big part of me staying aligned & connected, in a more consistent way, is to be self-aware. I have to stop and inventory my behaviors and emotions - which ones are coming out - those negative ones or the ones that have me feeling like my cup overflows? How am I interacting with others and am I allowing their emotions to dictate mine? There’s no magic formula around this - but being intentional, being honest with myself, and being self-aware in the moment can help me stay aligned every single day…. keeping on my path & directly in my purpose.


The Forgiveness Power


I'm Engaged!!!